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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Harry Potter and the Licensed Merchandise

Oh, Harry Potter. Everybody loves him. Except Voldemort...

Anyway, I'm here to talk about the Lego Harry Potter games. Yay!

Yes, Lego Harry Potter! An odd combo, but hey, why not?

I have Years 1-4 for X360 and Years 5-7 for 3DS. They both contain awesomeness.

I think that Tt did a fantastic job with this series, and Star Wars too. You get to select lots of different spells to use, like Wingardium Leviosa and Expecto Patronum.  Even though it's a Lego game and therefore is probably aimed at a younger audience, I find it to be quite hard at times. I'm not even embarrassed admitting that!

I think I like Years 5-7 better because it looks better in 3D and I liked those books better.

I've had both of them for over a year now, but I really haven't made a lot of progress in either. I'm only halfway though Chamber of Secrets and only a little bit into Order of the Phoenix.

I can't really tell who that is hugging Ron's leg on the 3DS cover. It'd make sense if it was Hermione, but her hair looks too light. She looks like the girl to the rear left of Harry, but that could be Ginny. Although she appears to be a brunette! I don't know. Maybe it's just the dramatic lighting. Curse you, drama!!

But I digress. Both of these games are fantastic, and is a must-have for all Harry Potter fans. Even if you aren't a fan, play it! Keeping my fingers crossed for a "Lego Harry Potter: The Complete Saga"!


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