Hello there! Okay, so today I made a discovery. It turns out you can attach a WRIST STRAP to your 3DS!!!!!!! I KNOW!!!!
Obviously, this changes everything. Long gone are the days where I feared dropping my portable console! This is a very important discovery (well, not really a discovery, since it says so in the owner's manual)!
I didn't have a strap for my 3DS, so I just scavenged one from a Wii Remote. Smart, huh?
Anyway, my 3DS has never looked so good. With the strap around my wrist, I am INVINCIBLE!! HAHAHA!! >:D
You might be saying, "Oh dear! I only have a DSi! I wish to attach a wrist strap to my console! Oh, the pain! The pain of it all!"
Well, do not fear! You can also attach a strap to your Game Boy Advance, GBA SP, Game Boy Micro, DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL, AND 3DS XL! Hooray!
We love you wrist strap, oh yes we do! We don't love anything as much as you! When you're not near us, we're blue! Oh, wrist strap, we love you!
Thank you, thank you very much! You've been a great audience!
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